17 March 2009

Looking for Short Short Short Fiction for Promo Materials

Okay, everyone. Ink Monkey is moving right along. I have a graphics person on board (and more about that later) to make my cover art, I have the first few submissions in and already in place in the mag. The Facebook group hit 60 people today!

In other words, I'm in an extremely good mood!

And, I've had another idea that means a lot of work for me. In my ongoing quest for great advertising ideas that aren't going to cost lots of money, I came up with the idea of a free Zine that I could distribute. Here's how the Zine is going to work.

1. I'll only accept very short stories - think under 100 words here! - and poetry under 20 lines.

2. Each Zine will be limited to 100 copies, no exceptions.

3. I will distribute most of them through non-Ink Monkey chanels, but will also distribute a few through the Ink Monkey site.

4. If you would like to contribute, please send an email to Ink Monkey with Zine contribution in the subject line. You may put your story in the body of the email, but please make sure to include your mailing address! Because of the nature of the Zine, I will actually send a contributor's copy to each person I chose for it!!!

5. Once an issue of the Zine is gone, it's gone, but since this is an ongoing project, I will always be working on one!

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